January 2, 2014. Shaykh Yunus Palanpuri is the author of the book A Commentary on the Music of the Order of Amīr and the Order of His Holiness, the Emperor Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qūnawī (also called Sayyid al-Qūnawī in the west). Shaikh Palanpuri is the Shaykh of the Islamic Center of Virginia and the Islamic Institute of South Florida. He was formerly the founder and imam of the Islamic Center of Las Vegas, and was Shaykh of the Islamic Foundation of New Orleans. Shaykh Palanpuri is the founder of the Shaykh-ul-Islam Institute (SUI) which trains shaykhs. He is the author of many books on Islamic law and fiqh, including A Concise Commentary on Classical Teachings of the Islamic Law. Shaykh Palanpuri is an Islamic scholar, author, Islamic speaker, and Imam. He is the author of the book A Commentary on the Music of the Order of Amīr and the Order of His Holiness, the Emperor Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qūnawī (also called Sayyid al-Qūnawī in the west). Shaykh Palanpuri is the author of the book A Commentary on the Music of the Order of Amīr and the Order of His Holiness, the Emperor Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qūnawī (also called Sayyid al-Qūnawī in the west).
Shaykh Palanpuri is the author of many books on Islamic law and fiqh, including A Concise Commentary on Classical Teachings of the Islamic Law.
Shaykh Palanpuri is the author of the book A Commentary on the Music of the Order of Amīr and the Order of His Holiness, the Emperor Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qūnawī (also called Sayyid al-Qūnawī in the west). He has also written an essay on Islamic philosophy, entitled The Ishtilal of the Philosopher. Other books authored by Shaykh Palanpuri are the following: A Commentary on the Arabic language by Hadith; A Commentary on the Koran; Sharh al-Risālah al-Shamsiyyah (The Source of the Sunnah);
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