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The Secrets and Easter Eggs of Custom Robo Battle Revolution

Hypno-Disc started the battle by avoiding its opponents, allowing it to gain speed for its weapon, before it attacked The Predator twice in quick succession. The first blow dented the rear armour, and the second tore the sheet of aluminium loose. Raizer Blade then pushed Hypno-Disc into the side wall and blocked its attack on The Predator. Hypno-Disc retaliated by smashing into Raizer Blade, but both robots merely bounced off from the deflection, with no immediate damage observable on Raizer Blade. Hypno-Disc struck The Predator, but failed to cause any major damage. Driving over the flame pit, Hypno-Disc finally landed a significant blow by tearing into the exposed rear of The Predator.

Custom Robo Battle Revolution Downloadl

The three robots had a very tentative start, with none of them making any real attempt to attack. Hypno-Disc briefly drove over Wheely Big Cheese's flipper, but the weapon did not activate. Ming 3 attempted to join in the battle, but Hypno-Disc's weapon shredded one of Ming 3's wheels, before Wheely Big Cheese thrust the crusher-robot away. Ming 3 limped away, whilst Hypno-Disc attacked Wheely Big Cheese. The first attacks were evidently making an impact, with large gashes being made in the flipper and one of the wheels. Wheely Big Cheese and Ming attempted a pincer attack on Hypno-Disc, but their mobility was now limited, and Hypno-Disc escaped, evading a flip from Wheely Big Cheese and attacking its other wheel. By now, both Wheely Big Cheese and Ming were limping badly, with large slices in the former's wheels. One last side attack from Hypno-Disc buckled Wheely Big Cheese's left wheel.

Hypno-Disc was not seen much in the early stages of this battle, as it drove past Granny's Revenge 2, then the cameras focused on Barber-Ous 2 nearly tipping Granny's Revenge 2 out of the arena and getting 4x4's snagging cloth wrapped around its drum. Having hung back whilst this was happening, Hypno-Disc then slammed into Barber-Ous 2, shredding the cloth and damaging one of Barber-Ous 2's wheels. Another hit caused Barber-Ous 2 to smoke and its other wheel to come loose, rendering it immobile. Hypno-Disc then attacked 4x4, causing more damage to the immobilised machine, before ramming into Granny's Revenge 2 with the disc at full speed as Refbot counted it out, breaking the back wheels and knocking the whole robot aside. With all three opponents immobile, Hypno-Disc spent the rest of the battles knocking the other competitors around. As it lasted longer than 4x4 and Granny's Revenge 2, Barber-Ous 2 also went through with Hypno-Disc to the next round.

Tornado then pressed the pit release button and Hypno-Disc launched an attack, but caused no significant damage to Tornado's outer shell. Tornado tried many times to pit Hypno-Disc, with both robots going perilously close to the edge on two separate occasions. Tornado spent the rest of the battle slamming Hypno-Disc into the arena walls until cease was called with both robots still mobile. The judges unanimously voted for Tornado, with Hypno-Disc having to fight in the Losers Melee if it was to remain in the series.


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